
The sleeping place of some sofas and sofa beds is equipped with the “Eurobook” transformation mechanism.

Upholstered furniture with the “Eurobook” transformation mechanism is one of the most popular sofa models. This popularity is based on the simplicity and reliability of the mechanism. Such upholstered furniture can be placed both in the center of the room and almost close to the wall – when unfolding, it will not touch objects located nearby, due to the correctly calculated radius of rotation of the backrest.

These sofas are also known for the fact that their mechanism is almost the most reliable, there is simply nothing to break in it. Your sofa will not cease to perform its functions due to the fact that it no longer unfolds. This is especially important if you buy upholstered furniture as a sleeping place. In the production of the “Eurobook” mechanism, independent spring blocks are used that are able to withstand decent loads, while maintaining elasticity for a long time.

Upholstered furniture with the Eurobook mechanism also eliminates another “headache” for its owner – the question of where to put pillows, bed linen and blankets will no longer bother you. Drawers for linen, which, as a rule, all sofas are equipped with, will solve this problem once and for all. This is of great importance for small-sized apartments, the so-called “Khrushchevs”, in which, unfortunately, many people have to live.

And there is another advantage in this transformation mechanism. Upholstered furniture equipped with the Eurobook has a flat and spacious sleeping place.

Summing up, it can be noted: the Eurobook sofa is suitable for any room. Such upholstered furniture will become indispensable not only in your apartment, but also in your country house, where an additional sleeping place, which has all the above-mentioned advantages, is always appropriate.

And the last advantage – unlike expensive imported mechanisms, the prices for sofas with a “eurobook” will pleasantly surprise you. Our salons present sofas with this mechanism of various types of upholstery and you can always choose for yourself the sofa that is right for your interior.

The transformation scheme is as follows:

Remove decorative pillows, if any.
Roll out the part of the sofa that is used for seating forward.
Gradually move the back of the sofa from the vertical position, lowering it into the vacated space.
The sofa is folded into the “bed” position.

Transformation into the “sofa” position occurs in the reverse order.

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